Sacred Creativity | Intuitive Healing Art Ritual

An Intuitive Healing Art Ritual & Life Coaching

Before you scroll, read this first...

There is a creator energy in us waiting to emerge. We think that we are non-creative, but the truth is, it is just a programming of ideas and constructs that were imposed on us to believe while growing up. Many of us have somewhat forgotten that child of awe and wonder in us, and that has led to overthinking and limiting identities that we have given to ourselves. In my journey of redefining creativity, I learned to put away the programmed concept of what creativity is, and instead focused my attention on its healing properties and how it can help us on the soul level. There's no such thing as "I am not creative, or not talented,"- that belief is still a programming- you just don't know HOW to access your creativity just yet. This is where I step in- to facilitate the discovery of your sacred creativity.

What is Sacred Creativity?

Sacred Creativity is a healing art coaching session that combines intuitive art rituals and life coaching modalities, designed to help facilitate breakthroughs, divine child activation and identifying the root cause of our limiting beliefs- all through the power of healing art. Sacred Creativity explores the integral approach of holistic modalities and uses intuitive art making and intuitive painting as the key tool for accessing our inner voice / inner self.

In my creative ritual, my GOAL is to help live your truth by providing you the tools to reshape your relationship with your self.

What is Intuitive Painting?
Intuitive Painting is a healing art process for us to communicate and receive guidance from our Divine Child. This is NOT an art lesson or an art class- although a little art technique will be shared along the way for educational purposes. This healing art form help individuals let go of expectations and overthinking, and focus on the feeling and transmitting the message intuitively through a painting. 

As you explore beyond-the-rules methods, you will also learn how to access your feeling mind (intuition) and how to differentiate it with the egoic mind. The art of art making has a way of helping us see beyond the limiting beliefs that has held us back from pursuing our passion.

Truth be told- you will need to experience the magick of Sacred Creativity in person. 

It is not about what you create, but what you experience, and unravel from it.

Craft Your Life!

This session benefits those who are looking to overcome their creative traumas; whether you're an experienced artist looking for a breakthrough, or someone in need of a safe space for exploring their subconscious and abilities. Together we will:

  • Identify your emotional blockages and limiting beliefs.
  • Identify your traumas, triggers and fears.
  • Overcoming over-thinking and self-doubt
  • Learn shadow work and how to shine light on them.
  • Learn how to call your Divine Child for guidance.
  • Learn how to access your creative energy.
  • Learn how to access your intuition or higher self.
  • Learn how to create your own creative ritual and practices.
  • Awareness, Discernment and Integration

Suitable for:
  • Experienced/Amateur artists seeking breakthrough and clarity.
  • Hobbyists / Creatives overcoming creative traumas.
  • Empaths and Seekers interested in creative transmissions and expansion.
  • Individuals who are looking for healing art, art therapy or therapeutic art services for their mental health & emotional well-being.

*Side note: Although this is not included, but I can also cover aspects of mentoring new art & handmade business owners by request. I can help identify your blockages and co-create solutions together so that you may be able to find clarity for your small business goals. 


Invest in Your Self-Care

RM480 (For 4 Sessions. RM400 for renewing session)

1.5 hours per session | Online and In Person depending on session.

*If you are interested in a one-off session, the fee is RM180. (Duration 2 hours)


Ready to reclaim your power? 

Book your FREE 30-minute Introduction Call today and start designing the life that you deserve.

*Coaching is 2-way communication that requires both parties to cooperate. It is highly encouraged that you sign up for the free consultation session to evaluate our synergy. 

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